Mike Clemow is…

A trans-disciplinary artist working with traditional and digital media with a strong focus on field recording as a practice and improvisation as creative strategy.

Their work uses sound, text, images, and found objects, generative and chaotic systems, to create performances, installations, and objects as “improvised sites.”

Artist Statement

I work at the intersection of landscape, soundscape, and documentary. My process involves gathering material documentation of my own presence at a site or location. This practice engages themes of whiteness, coloniality, and privilege as it pertains to my access given my positionality as a white, passing-male artist from the United States, enacting extractive forms of documentation such as making (field)recordings, taking photographs, and collecting objects (even temporarily).

The works I make, while drawing on these documentary materials as research, may or may not utilize extracted materials in their realization. The works range from paintings and drawings, to music, sound art, installations, & performances. My works draw upon and are in dialogue with the constellations of histories that are engaged with my practice: colonial history, art history, my own life experience and challenge entrenched binary ontologies such as nature vs. culture, human vs. non-human.