Mike Clemow: Live at Wonderville (2022)

A precarious construction of modular synth sketches, field recordings, and improvised in-studio performances created between 2019-2022, collected and hewed together by an unexpected—almost treacherous—generative synthesis engine. The generative system welding it together is not completely ungoverned but loosely reined in by a network of controls tied to a single pair of joysticks, allowing the system to be slowly aimed, like a giant ship, toward a heading (but not a precise one). The voyage is navigated with destinations in mind but without a direct course.

This work was debuted at the Troy Listening Room in Troy, NY and recorded in front of a live audience at Wonderville in Brooklyn, NY on December 15th, 2022 at HORIZONS. The bill was organized by _pyron_ (Jenn Pyron) with Kareem Woods || foo.cat (Sara Wentworth) || with live visuals by Spaghetti Jesus. Recording was made by Sara Wentworth and mixed and mastered at SeeThruSound (seethrusound.com).

(Released April 4, 2023)


The Arboretum